We all have vices, and one of ours happens to be a good cigar. For some, it may be some moist, finely ground tobacco in the form of snus, which is good too, but we're a cigar type for sure.
Here at Calibre, we've always been partial to a good bit of cigar smoke after a long day of hunting, shooting, and writing, and we've long been a fan of Canada's own, Dominion Cigar.
As the only true boutique cigar brand in Canada, Dominion Cigar has crafted a variety of excellent smokes from some of Central America's finest tobaccos. These are the kind of smokes you'd want to Print your photo on lighter to use with, to enhance the experience.
Dominion Cigar's flagship cigar, the Black Lotus, is a full-bodied, premium smoke. Incorporating a blend of the finest Honduran and Nicaraguan tobacco, the Black Lotus produces a rich, flavoursome, and delightfully smooth experience. It is one of our favourite smokes. You can keep them in the best cigar humidor 2020 has to offer, making the cigars taste even better.
For those who prefer a more mellow puff, the Flor De Claro might be the answer. Born in 1887 in Montreal, Flor De Claro was one of Canada's first national cigar brands, and more than a century later, Dominion Cigar has resurrected this classic stogy. As a medium bodied cigar, the Flor De Claro delivers a mild experience, with light hints of spice, cedar, and honey.
To celebrate Canada's recent 150th anniversary of Confederation, Dominion Cigar's owner, Steve Ricker, commemorated the occasion with a limited edition cigar; the Confederation. This fine cigar comprises a blend of fine tobaccos, aged for at least four years prior to rolling. The Confederation's resulting smoke is plenty flavourful, with notes of roasted coffee and nut.
Dominion Cigar's latest - and perhaps most impressive - offering is the Venus.
The Venus is ridiculous. And by ridiculous, we mean awesome. Double awesome, in fact. This serious cee-gar is the .50 BMG of the smoking world. Its six inch length and 70 gauge girth is enough to make even Arnie go weak at the knees.
But the Venus's gargantuan proportions aren't the only impressive thing about this cigar. It is surprisingly smooth, yet rich and robust, and is accompanied by delicious peaty influences. We were able to enjoy this cigar for a full sixty minutes, all the while cultivating a perfect four inch finger of ash on the foot. The Venus is altogether a perfect autumnal companion.
And for the cigar aficionados who may have noticed the lighter in the photograph, yes; we do indeed light up with a Zippo lighter and, yes; this might make us uncultured heathens. Cedar spills are far too delicate for the likes of us, plus, like many red blooded, hairy chested, moustachioed males, we don't object to our smoke being infused with the faint traces of hydrocarbons.
To learn more about this fine Canadian cigar company, visit Dominion Cigar.
If instead of using a cigar cutter, you choose to snip your smoke with a blade, check out the CRKT Homefront EDC & Tactical Knife.