One of the absolute best things about working for Canada’s firearms magazine is that once in a while, a product comes along that checks all of our boxes: it’s a superior product, that’s fairly new to the market, that’s reasonably priced, that’s made in Canada. Stumbling onto gear that fits that description is great because we feel like we can help bring it to national attention, and that’s exactly what Solely Canadian holsters deserve.
We ordered a pile of these in mid-October, in specific colour options and light pairings. They arrived in mid-October plus about three days. We’re totally blown away by the quality, too. The double-thickness kydex on some of the competition gear we ordered is just incredible; these holsters are nigh on indestructible All kinds of mounting options are available and if you can’t find something to make you happy, you’re way crazier than we are.
Retention on the competition models is adjusted by grommeted screws, allow you to dial in a perfect mix of “slip” and “grip”. The moulding is excellent and came patterning looks great if you get it. Even the single-layered competition holsters which have a fit set at the factory are slick without being overly tight, and while they’re much lower profile than the competition rigs, they’re still plenty tough.
We are also really digging their AR15 mag carrier; if you’re someone who mounts a single mag (or two) on your belt for competition, training, or work, you’ll love these. The adjustable retention is, again, awesome, and these will take any amount of brutal landings you think your hips will survive.
In short, we can’t recommend these highly enough. We’ve got drawers of disca rded holsters from years of shooting, from a dozen different companies that just didn’t quite get it right. But now we’re done searching. Solely Canadian is where it’s at.