The RCMP have updated their policy page with the following:
Due to measures taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Canadian Firearms Program is currently experiencing significant impacts to our services, like many other service providers in Canada.
As this is an evolving situation, we will continue to provide updates on our website as required.
If you are looking for statistics on the Canadian Firearms Program, please visit the latest annual report.
In short, it means gun owners may not be charged with the illegal possession of a firearm under the Criminal Code if their license lapses during this time. However, some may recall that C-42's grace period does have severe limitations, as recounted by the bill's original legislative summary:
Under section 64(1) of the Firearms Act, a licence issued to an individual who is over the age of 18 expires on the earlier of five years after the next birthday of the holder following the issuance of the licence, or the termination of the period for which it is issued. Subject to limited exceptions,15 the possession of firearms without a licence (and a registration certificate for prohibited and restricted firearms) constitutes an offence under section 91(1) of the Code. Bill C-42 creates a grace period extending the validity of a firearms licence for six months beginning on the day that the licence would otherwise have expired (new section 64(1.1) of the Firearms Act).
Licences that are extended as a result of the new grace period are subject to limitations:
We have continued to reach out to RCMP media liaison officers to try and get clarification as to whether or not those limitations will be enforced or to what degree they may be enforced, given the cause of the inability to renew does not lie with gun owners themselves, and this crisis' potential impact on industries deemed essential such as ranching and subsistence hunting and predator control operations; some of whom may find themselves impacted by the increased license renewal timelines.