Daniel Fritter in , on October 27, 2016

A few years ago Bushmaster and its Canadian representatives, Gravel Agency, promised the pending arrival of the Bushmaster ACR DMR; a factory longer-barreled version of the Adaptive Combat Rifle that would enter Canada as a non-restricted rifle.

Unfortunately, due to large volumes of military production orders and a relatively lukewarm reception in the US (largely due to the popularity of the FN SCAR and AR-15), the Bushmaster’s ACR lineup floundered and production run after production run of the DMR-format model were cancelled. This left Canadians with the sole option of finding and equipping their restricted-due-to-barrel-length ACR’s with aftermarket 18.5” barrel assemblies.

However, we learned today that Bushmaster has finally produced a contingent of ACR DMR rifles, and will be shipping them to Canada. As of right now, the first batch has been manufactured, and is expected to arrive in Canada on November 4, 2016. And the price? Well… if you want one, you’ll need to shell out somewhere around $3,400 to get one, so they aren’t cheap. But nonetheless, these rifles will be available in limited quantities, and we expect they won’t last long on retailer’s shelves.



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